Scribbles 'n Bits
March 14th, 2024

Parking Scribbles, For Now

I'm really impressed with the simplicity and polish of the Scribbles platform, but the more I've used it the less I'm convinced that it's the right fit for me. I love the idea of being able to scrawl out quick posts in a web browser, but that's not actually how I manage my writing workflow. I came to Scribbles so that I wouldn't have to worry as much about things like formatting and CSS, but I miss the control (creative and otherwise) that self-hosting provides.

I think I've found another approach that fits my style a bit better: a self-hosted Gemini capsule which is proxied and made available on the normal web as well. Gemini uses very simple Gemtext markup and doesn't use CSS or other styling at all. It lets me focus solely on the content, and also lends itself well to self-hosting workflows.

So I'm parking my Scribbles site for now, though it's likely that I'll return at some point in the future (and I went ahead and snagged a lifetime subscription just in case).

In the meantime, you can find my lightweight weblog-like posts here:

And the longer-form technical posts will remain at: